Mobile Shower
Home > What We Do > Mobile Shower Ministry
Offering basic hygiene and friendship to our neighbors without homes through the dignity of a hot shower.
For people surviving on the streets, having access to basic hygiene can make a world of difference. With two mobile 4-stall shower trailers, we’ll provide hundreds of hot showers to guests each week at locations throughout San Diego County. As we form relationships with those we serve, we hope to connect them to one of our centers for temporary or long-term shelter and provide referrals to other services.
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Weekly Locations
12 noon – 3 pm
YMCA TAY (Transition-Age Youth)
215 Barnes Street, Oceanside
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8 am – 11 am
Calvary Chapel Oceanside
3715 Oceanic Way, Oceanside
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9 am – 11 am
Salvation Army El Cajon
1025 E Main Street, El Cajon
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8 am – 12 pm
Various locations in Chula Vista with CV Police Department
For exact locations, contact Kalo Barbukov or 619-244-3571
10 am – 12 pm
Pillar of Fire Church San Diego
4092 Newton Ave, San Diego, CA 92113
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Ways to Get Involved in the Mobile Shower Ministry
Offer a well-populated North County site for our shower trailer to make a weekly stop
Provide needed items like towels, travel-size shampoo, lotion and soap
Offer a service to accompany the showers, such as haircuts or medical aid
Become a volunteer driver or site lead
Contact Us