Legacy Giving

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How do you want to be remembered?
Taking time to consider how you will bless family members as well as charities you care deeply about is a powerful way to communicate what is most important to you. One of the best ways you can extend your impact with San Diego Rescue Mission for generations to come is by including us in your Will or Revocable Living Trust.
Gifts in a Will or Trust, often called “legacy gifts,” allow many of our supporters to create a legacy that changes lives for Christ, even long after they’re gone. Leave a legacy for your family and make a lasting difference for those experiencing homelessness with a gift that costs nothing today.
Free Will-Making Resources
Free Christian Wills Guide
Download our Free Christian Wills Guide with 4 Easy Steps to creating a God-honoring, Money Saving Will. Simply fill out this form and click submit to be able to download the guide.
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- Make a Will. When people start adding up the value of their home, life insurance, retirement accounts, and other property, they begin to see that even with a modest middle-class estate, a plan is needed that provides for their families and the charities they love.
- Reduce (or eliminate) unnecessary taxes and court costs. A Will can help you reduce probate hassles and costs, avoid certain taxes, and decrease other administrative expenses – freeing up more resources to your heirs and charitable work.
- Decide who will manage your estate after you die. Without a Will, a court decides how to distribute your estate. On the other hand, when you name your own representative in your Will, you decide who will distribute the money and things entrusted to you.
- Decide who will take care of your kids. If you have minor children, a Will allows you to name the guardian of your children and a Trustee of the assets to provide for the children. If a court is left to make these decisions for you, your spiritual values may be disregarded.
- Include “ministry” in your family. Your Will can be powerful a testimony to family and friends. Including your extended “family” in your Will – namely your church and favorite charities – is a wonderful way to express your values for generations to come.
If you do not have a Will, the State actually has one for you. Unfortunately, that means state law would determine (without your input):
- Who will be the next steward of the resources entrusted to you
- Who will care for your young children
- Who will administer your estate
With a Will, you get to decide these things. In addition to making sure your immediate family is provided for in your Will, you can also bless your extended “family” – including your church and favorite charitable organizations.
No. There is no legal requirement that a Will be drawn up by a lawyer. Most people can use quality, fill-in-the-blank legal documents to take care of basic concerns such as leaving their property to loved ones and naming a guardian for young children. However, there are a number of situations where it would be highly recommended to work with a lawyer instead of an Online Will:
- If you have significant assets.
- If you have a special needs, disabled, or dependent adult child.
- If you’ve been divorced or re-married.
- If you think one of your heirs might contest your Will.
- If you own a small business.
- If you are concerned about guardianship issues for minor children.
- If you’re raising grandchildren or stepchildren.
- If you or your spouse are citizens of another country.
- If you have questions about your Will or the Online form doesn’t address your situation.
These 10 life events may signal it’s time for an up-to-date Will:
- Marriage or Divorce
- New baby, adopted children, or stepchildren
- Moving to another state
- Changing your mind about heirs
- Major changes in property ownership or financial assets
- Changes in estate planning and estate tax law.
- Death or disability of someone named in your Will
- Children have reached the age of 18
- You would like to provide for a ministry organization
- It has been three years or more since you have reviewed your Will.
Leaving a gift in your Will to a ministry or charity that you love is a great expression of your personal values, and it may be simpler than you think.
If you would like to do this, consider including this language in your Will or Revocable Living Trust to support the overall mission of the charitable organizations dear to your heart:
“I give to the San Diego Rescue Mission, Inc., a California not for profit corporation, IRS Federal tax ID number 95-1874073, with offices presently located at 120 Elm Street, San Diego, California 92101, _______________(% or dollar amount) of my estate for its general use.”
Legal Name: San Diego Rescue Mission, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number: 95-1874073
Please note that all estate or trust documents and correspondence should be sent to:
Kaitlin Payne, Director of Development
San Diego Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 80427
San Diego, CA 92138-0427
If you have questions about legacy giving, please contact:
Kaitlin Payne
Director of Development
(619) 819-1707

Our children have always known that we have tithed … it is a part of our faith and it is a way that we can give a little more after we are no longer here. We have decided to include the San Diego Rescue Mission in our estate plans because we like the ministry that this organization is providing. We have left a bequest in our Trust.”
Have you already included San Diego Rescue Mission in your Will or Trust?
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If you have questions about legacy giving, please contact: