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Thank you for loving your neighbor, Roberta

Thank you for loving your neighbors!

“God is working in my life.”

Before coming to the Rescue Mission, Roberta had reached an all-time low. She felt stuck in a toxic, abusive relationship. Her health was failing. And sadly, to escape the stress of this difficult situation, she relied on substances to cope.

Roberta has diabetes, and at the height of her addiction, she struggled to take her insulin shots. “I couldn’t even see or walk straight,” she says.

Thankfully, a friend brought her to the hospital to receive critical medical attention. But after a week there, she found herself suddenly homeless when her health stabilized and she was able to be released.

The hospital recommended she try the San Diego Rescue Mission. “At that point, I was just hoping for a warm bed, a hot shower, food to eat and peace of mind,” she says. At the Rescue Mission, she found all of that… and more through our Mission Academy recovery program!

I am thankful for Mission Academy because it helped me get healthy and changed my life.

For the first time in a long time, Roberta has access to a primary doctor who helps her manage her diabetes. “Being at the Rescue Mission helped me obtain medical help and be consistent with it,” she says.

Roberta has also grown spiritually through the program and strengthened her self-confidence. “I look forward to going to chapel here, because I feel God’s presence with me,” she says. “And the job training has made me feel like I’m important… that I can do a job and actually be good at it.”

Today, Roberta is working at a local food pantry – a job she heard about thanks to the Rescue Mission! She recently graduated from our Mission Academy program, and our staff has assisted her in finding affordable housing.

Roberta is thankful for the way you have answered God’s calling to love your neighbor as yourself – and have helped her learn how to love herself. “I’ve developed a routine for living a healthy life, and I’m excited! I can’t wait to take what I’ve learned here with me.”

Serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” – Galatians 5:13b-14

To read this issue of Mission in Motion, click to download.

Help Other People Like Roberta…

Roberta’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?

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