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Give Shelter!


Homeless neighbors need shelter NOW

More people in need are coming to the San Diego Rescue Mission for help every day. Since 2022, there’s been a 22% rise in homelessness in our county.

People need shelter now.

And they need a way out of homelessness permanently.

You can give one more person help that works.

Support our Every Heart campaign today!

Your $250 donation will provide safe shelter to more people in San Diego County!

this helps the most!

You can give one more person help that works.

Support our Every Heart campaign today!

“The system is broken, and we need to take another approach. Homelessness is not a government problem to fix, it’s a community issue to address.”

— Donnie Dee, President/CEO, San Diego Rescue Mission

Thanks to friends like you, we’ve been providing HELP THAT WORKS to thousand of people since 1955. Right now, our community needs our proven programs more than ever to break the cycle of homelessness – and fill every heart with hope.

Support our Every Heart campaign! You’ll provide help that works to get one more person get off the streets today… and for good.

Your gift will help double the number of shelter beds across San Diego County. That means touching more hearts in our community — and helping more people regain their stability, health and hope for the future.

12,153 people became homeless in 2022, many of them seniors and families.

Shelter bed capacity is at 96% in San Diego County.

33,024 adults access homeless services in San Diego County annually

5th largest homeless
population in the entire U.S.

10% increase in homelessness since January 2020

San Diego is the nation’s 8th largest city, but has the 4th largest homeless population in the US.

1 in 10 people are experiencing poverty in San Diego.


Struggling men, women and children need safe shelter TONIGHT.

Sadly, San Diego County lacks enough shelter beds for all the people in need. These vulnerable neighbors can’t wait another day.

Through the Rescue Mission’s county-wide approach, you can offer MORE shelter beds to get more people off the street immediately and provide:

South County Lighthouse Men's Dormitory
Day Center at the Oceanside Navigation Center
South County Lighthouse Family Apartment

Give help that works to get one more person off the streets of San Diego County today.

It’s so disappointing when we don’t have a bed to offer someone. The best I can do is make sure that the person has enough blankets… but they’re disappointed. It’s very disheartening for me and them… I have to take them back to where I found them.

— Carla Vanegas, our SDRM Outreach Director


Shelter more neighbors in need now.

Help that works starts with people like YOU!

Your $250 donation will provide safe shelter to more people in San Diego County!

this helps the most!

The Every Heart campaign is a county-wide approach of the San Diego Rescue Mission to DOUBLE the number of shelter beds available to people in need.

Yes, I have made a gift from my Donor Advised Fund to support the life-changing work of the San Diego Rescue Mission.

Please take a moment to fill out this form. We appreciate the opportunity to acknowledge your generosity and answer any questions you might have about the impact of your DAF gift.

Donor Advised Funds Form

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