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Give Shelter!

Debra is so grateful you have given her new life!

“I had nowhere to go…”

Debra grateful Summer

Debra never expected she’d end up living in her car.

“I used to work full-time as a nurse,” she says. Sadly, a domestic violence situation forced Debra to give up everything to seek safety. “I wasn’t sure where to turn… I felt very lost.”

Then, when her car broke down, she became stranded. “I had nowhere to go and I hadn’t eaten in two weeks,” she says.

Debra ended up at the hospital, unsure where to look for help when they guided her to the San Diego Rescue Mission. She spent her first night here in our emergency shelter, so thankful for the safety, peace and comfort she found through our doors.

“I was so grateful to have a roof over my head and food in front of me.”

Soon after, Debra moved into our long-term program, which has provided her with stable housing while she completes coursework to become a nurse practitioner.

Daily devotions, chapel and the encouragement of our staff have also helped Debra grow in her faith in God and restore her self-confidence. “I’ve learned how much God cares about me, and that He’s always with me,” she says.

She’s also found support through our classes and counseling to heal from the trauma and violence she experienced in the past. “I have a better understanding of why things happened… and I’ve learned to set boundaries.”

Today, Debra has a job, a place of her own and a new lease on life. “Being at the Rescue Mission has given me a more positive outlook… I’ve learned it’s not about having everything, but about appreciating what you do have.”

Debra is thankful for the kindness and compassion of loving neighbors like you – and how you have given her peace and hope for the future. “The Rescue Mission is a sanctuary… It’s given me the space and resources I needed to start a new life and move forward with God by my side.”

To read this issue of Mission in Motion, click to download.

Help Other People Like Debra…

Debra’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?

Yes, I have made a gift from my Donor Advised Fund to support the life-changing work of the San Diego Rescue Mission.

Please take a moment to fill out this form. We appreciate the opportunity to acknowledge your generosity and answer any questions you might have about the impact of your DAF gift.

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