Greetings from the Mission.
We have all been affected by the announcement that the Coronavirus COVID-19 is a global pandemic. To keep our staff and students safe, we’ve made several adjustments at the Rescue Mission. For the time being, we will not be offering tours of the facility, no volunteers will join us onsite, and our students are being required to stay in the building until further notice.
Along with these measures, we know that God’s protection and provision are what we need most.
As one of our faithful partners I would like to ask you to PRAY for these 5 requests:
1 Strength & joy for our staff
2 Patience and perseverance for our students
3 Continued resources to meet our operating needs
4 Protection and prevention from any outbreak
5 That God would be honored in all that we do
Coming to the Lord in prayer is the best thing we can do during this time of uncertainty. Thank you for standing with us as we trust in Him for guidance and health. As we navigate this difficult season as a country and in our community, we encourage all to remember the needs of those most vulnerable.
The Rescue Mission is currently housing hundreds of long-term students. We have an urgent need cleaning supplies and preventative products. If you have any of these items or can purchase them, please consider donating to the Rescue Mission:
• Hand soap
• Hand Sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol)
• Tissues
• Trash bags and baskets
• Disposable face masks
• Disposable gowns
• Thermometers
• Disposable gloves
Drop offs can be made at any time at 120 Elm Street. To get in touch with our Development Coordinator Crystal, reach out via email:
Now more than ever, we need your financial support to provide life-saving services to the men, women and children experiencing homelessness in San Diego. To make a donation online today go HERE.
Matthew 6:26
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. We thank you for your faithful support of the Mission during this season.
Donnie Dee
President & CEO