Our Needs During COVID-19. Learn More

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Contact Us

Main Contact Information

PO Box 80427 | San Diego, CA 92138

San Diego Rescue Mission

120 Elm Street | San Diego, CA 92101

Media Inquiries

The San Diego Rescue Mission believes in the power of the media to spread the critical messages about our clients, our programs, and poverty issues in San Diego. We are always pleased to partner with the media to provide stories and information.

Members of the media are invited to contact:

Intesa Communications Group

Contact Us Today!

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Donate A Vehicle

Email Zenaida Orellana Dispatcher@sdrescue.org

Donate Goods

Call 619-687-3720 sdrminfo@sdrescue.org


Learn about and apply for Job Openings

Program Referrals

Visit our Referral Contact Directory

Locations & Directions

If you know someone who is in need or wants to learn more about the help available through our programs, please get in touch with the appropriate contact:

Mission Academy

619-819-1742 | admissions@sdrescue.org

Oceanside Navigation Center

30-Day Emergency Shelter for Men, Women & Families
Contact our SDRM outreach team at (760) 330-3564 or contact the Oceanside Police Department’s Homeless Outreach Team at (760) 435-3324.

South County Lighthouse

If you are experiencing homelessness and would like to find out about admission to the South County Lighthouse, contact the National City H.O.M.E Team:

Qiana Williamson: (619) 510-1398
Hector Hueso: (619) 510-2940

Yes, I have made a gift from my Donor Advised Fund to support the life-changing work of the San Diego Rescue Mission.

Please take a moment to fill out this form. We appreciate the opportunity to acknowledge your generosity and answer any questions you might have about the impact of your DAF gift.

Donor Advised Funds Form

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