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Legacy Builder Donor Spotlight: Cupples Family

How a Young Girl’s Loss Ignited a Legacy of Giving

“Our children have always known that we have tithed…it is a part of our faith and it is a way that we can give a little more after we are no longer here. We have decided to include the San Diego Rescue Mission in our estate plans because we like the ministry that this organization is providing. We have left a bequest in our Trust.” – Lura Cupples, Legacy Donor

“Our children have always known that we have tithed…it is a part of our faith and it is a way that we can give a little more after we are no longer here. We have decided to include the San Diego Rescue Mission in our estate plans because we like the ministry that this organization is providing. We have left a bequest in our Trust.”

– Lura Cupples, Legacy Donor
Mick and Lura Cupples, Legacy Donors, with their daughter Tamara

Lura Cupples, born and raised in San Diego, has had a strong connection to the San Diego Rescue Mission since childhood. In 1964 at the young age of 12, following her father’s sudden passing, Lura accompanied her mother and sister to the San Diego Rescue Mission. There, they donated her father’s good suits and clothes, a gesture that left a lasting mark on her young heart that would shape her understanding of giving.

Years later Lura met Mick at church when he was stationed in San Diego with the Marine Corps. They married two years later and began giving regularly to the Rescue Mission. Mick’s dedication to serving as a pastor for 25 years, followed by his role as a Chaplain for the VA, mirrored Lura’s commitment to her community. Over the years, they actively participated in various Community Outreach efforts, serving meals, and promoting the Mission’s services to our homeless neighbors. “We are thankful for the variety of work the Rescue Mission is doing to help the homeless in our community… We see that God is blessing this ministry and we are gladly continuing our support.”

Their dedication to giving back extends to their children, who were raised believing that generosity is a fundamental aspect of their faith. Their oldest daughter, Tamara, recently participated with her local UCLA Alumni Association in a volunteer effort at the Rescue Mission to assemble Hygiene Kits for unsheltered neighbors. This experience of giving back motivated Tamara to start donating regularly to the Rescue Mission.

Now retired, Lura and Mick often embark on camping adventures in their trailer. However, their commitment to leaving a legacy of compassion remains unwavering. They have included the San Diego Rescue Mission in their estate plans, ensuring that their support for people experiencing homelessness will continue for future generations. For them, tithing and donating are testaments to their faith and a means to perpetuate kindness and hope in their community.

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Ending homelessness is a community effort. Together, we can help men, women, and children encounter God, experience recovery, and find a place to call home in San Diego, one life at a time.

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